Sunday, February 15, 2009

At least in my lifetime

For the longest time of my debating career life I had worked hard so much (too much even) to make it to the higher echelons of the debating world (I thank webster for the wonderful synonyms). I started debating in 5th grade in St. Michael's College wherein I was the only elementary student who got in the debate org back at those times (hello to you). Then there was the angst - ridden highschool life. With Celeste, we made champion at 2005 palakasan. Wait, or was it 2004? Anyways, our trophy is in that stupid cabinet in IDS who by the way never even cared to subsidized at least part of the registration because all it cared about was that stupid friggin cheerdance which by the way is suppose to be the opposite of all that's intellectual and sane in this world *breathe breathe breathe*.....

Anyways, my point is at that time winning that debate competition vs college students was such a big deal for me. I freakin vowed to myself I would be better, harder, hard core-rer debater when I get to college.

College. Ah yes, it was like only yesterday when I realized that we/I were in this thick fog of illusion that we were at the top of our game. We never realized that we suck. We were lowlives. Parameciums. Pulutan. Nada. Nada. We suck. Wait, I said that already.

I stagnated. I hated that so much. Lemme rephrase, I FREAKIN hated that so much. I wasted so much time in my life talking, not debating. Paying for P2500 or P5000 just to lose at competitions. Worse was that the "administrators" could not even see that we stagnated, suffered, and scarred our dreams in their hands.

*now would be a good time to get some chocolates amidst flashback*

And it was on my 4th year. My last year (double crosses fingers) in college where some people actually cared to save us from those hands. Where the debaters in MSU - IIT were salvaged and came out new, fresh, and ass - kickers. I was one of those debaters who was given a new lease on my debating life.

I could not begin to describe how much debate has shaped my life since prenatal. How much I love it. I eat, sleep, talk debate. If I could make a religion I would name it debatarei (lol). It's not just an extra-curricular thing for geeks anymore (but hey, I do have a life!). It's more than that. It's a part of me. Rei = debate. or Rei = prettysexyhotsmartchic. Whichever works for you.


Why couldn't Sir Mike and the rest "find us" when we were still freshmeat/freshmens and still had lot's of time to cultivate our skills and join competitions?! Why?!?!?!?!?!?!


19th MPDC - 3rd best speaker in Mindanao. (picture to be uploaded pa. If I find it. sigh)

ANC's Square Off. Frankahan: The Drilon Debate.
MSU - IIT vs University of Sto. Tomas
Winner: MSU - IIT

ANC's Square Off. Frankahan: The Drilon Debate.
MSU - IIT vs UP Diliman
Winner: MSU - IIT
(couldn't look for a studio pic. I think abs-cbn posted it though)

Well, at least they had a point for saying that at least in my lifetime I have experienced all of the things I have now.